abeMeda 7.7. released!

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abeMeda 7.7. released!

Post by abemeda »

Today we are very happy to present abeMeda 7.7 !

abeMeda 7.7 is a big new release, bringing support for new file formats as well as improvements and fixes overall. It adds support for Canon Cinema RAW Light (CRM), OpenEXR, DSD (Direct Stream Digital) Stream File (DSF), HEIC (High-Efficiency Image Container), WebP, or DiCOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine), allows lossless rotating of videos and reads bpm in ID3. New granular control of the Inspector and a number of other additions and improvements complete this package.

Find out more: https://www.abemeda.com/en/news_files/abeMeda77.html
abeMeda77.034.jpg (180.15 KiB) Viewed 3304 times
Changes in this version :
• abeMeda can now use an installed IrfanView to read image previews during cataloging
• that allows us to support new formats previously unavailable, like WebP, HEIC (High-Efficiency Image Container), OpenEXR, and can improve support for SVG, PSD or EPS
• abeMeda now also adds support for DiCOM files (.DCM)
• abeMeda can now read the Canon Cinema RAW Light (CRM) video format, and adds support for the new Olympus OM-1 ORF files (RAW)
• and there is now also a reader for DSD Stream File (DSF/DSD) music files, to read metadata and stored cover art.
• abeMeda can now rotate video files (MOV/MP4 are supported for now)
• added new Inspector Settings to allow the user to specifically and granularly select which inspector sections and elements they want to see
• you can now paste coordinates/geotags from other sources, besides those copied from your files inside abeMeda.
• specifically, you can copy coordinates from Google Maps and bing maps, and paste them into the mapInspector, or directly into your image files.
• QuickFind now also accepts these and knows how to handle them.
• abeMeda now explicitly detects and reports RAR5 archives, specifically in comic books archives.
• Since these can cause issues in some readers, and are generally good to know, abeMeda now tells you which format your comic books have, and what kind of images are stored inside (JPG, or WebP?)
• adding support for WebP images now also allowed us to read WebP cover art for comic books that have no JPGs.
• added support to read and store the bpm (beats per minute) value from ID3 tags. If you have bpm stored in your music files, abeMeda can show them to you, in the Inspector, and in a new column as well.
• added "Has No Created Date" to the EXIF criteria/operators.
• added a new option in export to use the "qualified file path" if requested. this will result in actual useable paths to the files, not just the folder path inside the catalog for sorting.
• also added a new font size option to HTML exports, so you can choose whichever suits your needs best.
• added "only items whose path contains..." as additional scope for finding duplicates. Should be especially helpful in limiting those searches to specific sections of the selected catalogs.
• added better support for EXIF uniqueImageIDs. These can now be read reliably, shown in the Inspector, and searched for via the Find Editor
• added text content handling for "descript.ion" files.

• fixed a rare issue when creating a "New Catalog Folder"
• fixed a couple of issues with updating catalogs, abeMeda recognizes more potential error conditions, and reacts better to them, preserving existing catalog data better.
• We also added more comprehensive error messages for the different conditions encountered.
• fixed an issue that could cause problems with files containing trailing blanks.
• fixed an issue with the catalog properties dialog failing for certain catalog files
• fixed an issue where abeMeda would hang (indefinitely) on certain JAR archive files
• fixed an issue where abeMeda would still read the mp3CoverArt, even if the photo image previews is switched off
• fixed an issue where "update item metadata" would spend minutes on a single item
• fixed an issue where abeMeda would sometimes leave behind folder in the designated Temp folder instead of deleting them when finished
• fixed another issue where abeMeda would report a wrong duration for certain long audio files in some places
• and fixed and improved a number of other minor issues...
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