CaptureOne and NeoFinder

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CaptureOne and NeoFinder

Post by JSS »

I have been using CaptureOne for both raw processing and cataloging. As I am now painfully aware, using programs like CaptureOne, Lightroom, and Photos to catalog images is a big mistake: see ... s_app.html . In this thread, let's compare notes on how to use NeoFinder with CaptureOne, especially for those who want to decouple cataloging from raw processing. My first sub-post (response) indicates how to make XMP sidecar files from the CaptureOne catalog.
John S Sadowsky, Maryland, USA
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Re: CaptureOne and NeoFinder

Post by JSS »

XMP Sidecar Files

C1 (CaptureOne) interaction with XMP sidecar files is explained in the C1 User's Guide here: ... ecar-files.

If you have not used sidecars with CaptureOne, but now want sidecars for NeoFinder cataloging, C1 will make XMP sidecar files as follows. Open Settings and click on the Image tab at the top. Under Metadata in "Auto Sync Sidecar XMP:" select "Full Sync." This will automatically generate XMP sidecars with C1-generated metadata, including keywords, star ratings, and color labels. It does not include metadata usually stored in raw files like Exif (which includes image capture data) or IPTC. And, of course, you will not get any information on raw development out of C1.

You may also check "Prefer Sidecar XMP over Embedded Metadata," which, when checked, tells C1 to prefer sidecar metadata over metadata that may be contained in raw files when they conflict.

I tried this with a Session that contained a few hundred raw files. It ran pretty quickly. I would not try this on a large C1 catalog. I intend to break my C1 catalog (~50,000 images) into Sessions or perhaps individual EIPs. I'm unsure yet what's the best way to go about this.

Here is part of the sidecar code for one ARW raw file. (The spaces are where I deleted lines for brevity.)

Code: Select all

<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="XMP Core 5.5.0">
 <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="">


When I placed the ARW and XMP files into a NeoFinder cataloged folder and updated the catalog, NeoFinder got the star rating (2 stars). Then I edited the sidecar to charge 2 to 3, updated the NeoFinder catalog, and NeoFinder changed the star rating to 3.

However, NeoFinder did not capture the color Label. I tried changing "Red" to "red," - still no Label in NeoFinder. If NeoFinder is looking for a different tag other than "<xmp:Label>Red</xmp:Label>," then we should be able to fix that with an AppleScript.

The keywording system I used in C1 is a "lightroom:hierarchialSubject" system. NeoFinder captured that as "~WHO|Dogs|Hedy," which is the proper hierarchy. I likely will change how I do keywords with NeoFinder. This might be another good application for AppleScript.
John S Sadowsky, Maryland, USA
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Re: CaptureOne and NeoFinder

Post by neo-admin »

Thank you for posting how Capture One can be coerced to write the XMP sidecar files properly!

Make sure you activate the "Read and Write XMP color labels" in the Labels Preferences in NeoFinder, and make sure the names are identical to the names in that Preferences section:
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