AppleScript Example: Set EXIF Capture Date from File Name

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AppleScript Example: Set EXIF Capture Date from File Name

Post by neo-admin »

#AppleScript is such a crazy powerful #Automation technology in #macOS, and with the amazing AppleScript support in #NeoFinder, you can do things we never imagined being possible!

A new example shows you how to set the EXIF Capture Date from the file name of converted MiniDV video files.

This script works through each of the currently selected items in NeoFinder, and for all video files that have ".mov" as the name suffix, and the sufficient file name length, it takes said name, and builds a date from the segments.

Then the script writes that date to the EXIF Capture Date field of the video file. Which will cause NeoFinder to write that date to the EXIF section of your video file.

file name list.jpg
file name list.jpg (168.88 KiB) Viewed 2110 times
script screenshot set EXIF Date form file name.jpg
script screenshot set EXIF Date form file name.jpg (120.36 KiB) Viewed 2110 times

exif date changed.png
exif date changed.png (84.76 KiB) Viewed 2110 times
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