NeoFinder 8.1.2 out now!

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NeoFinder 8.1.2 out now!

Post by neo-admin »

Today, we give you another update for the NeoFinder 8.x family, named NeoFinder 8.1.2!

NeoFinder 8.1.2 catalogs Astronomy AVM Metadata – "Google Drive" support – More bug fixes

Some of the new and amazing features include:

Catalog "AVM" metadata in XMP records, used by Astronomers
Catalog and write internal XMP data of HEIC photo files. No more sidecar XMP files needed for HEIC
Catalog "Google Drive" volumes in macOS 12
Icon View can display Finder Tags, and the Creation and Modification Date of items
Auto Updater can run schedules serialized, to prevent network saturation for file servers
Renaming a Keyword in the Controlled Vocabulary will create a new hierarchy, if the new keyword name contains the "|" divider character
All EXIF date search parameters in the Find Editor and Smart Folders can use date ranges before 1980
Improved the TOLIS BRU Importer to handle the newer and different files created by the "ArGest Backup" LTO software
Catalog the color model for JPG files and display CMYK format in the Inspector
Massively improved performance when changing the NeoFinder label for multiple selected items if the Display Filter was active for labels
Double clicking a catalog file in the Finder will show its contents if said catalog file is located inside the NeoFinder database folder
Export to XML and text-with-tab contains the video bitrate and audio bitrate
Updated the XMP toolkit to use the latest version provided by Adobe
Updated the Dropbox.framework to the latest version provided by Dropbox
Using the scroll wheel or trackpad in the Light Table will scroll the image in the right direction
Improves behaviour for renaming Found Items and the new name is already in use. Now a proper error message is displayed
Improves behaviour for text-with-tab Export of Catalogs with metadata fields that may contain multi-line data, such as EXIF comments and more
Fixes a bug where Updating a Catalog could remove a custom icon applied to the Catalog by the user. NeoFinder will always keep a custom Catalog icon
Fixes a bug where the completions menu for Places in the Inspector could contain empty entries
Fixes a bug where renaming keywords in the Controlled Vocabulary wouldn't immediately update the Inspector of the currently shown items
Fixes a bug where the regex code for folder names could cause problem for catalogs with damaged archive files
Fixes a bug where reading video metadata with ffmpeg could fail for certain MXF files
Fixes a bug where renaming an item in Icon View in Dark Mode of macOS 11 and macOS 12 would create visual artefacts
Fixes many minor issues
NeoFinder requires Mac OS X 10.11 or newer, Intel or ARM. Older versions of NeoFinder for previous system versions are still available on our web site

NeoFinder 8.1.2 is available today.
NeoFinder 8.x is a paid upgrade for NeoFinder 6.x, NeoFinder 7.x, and CDFinder customers
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