smart folder from

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smart folder from

Post by jeffedit »

How do I search or create smart folders from fields not listed in the drop down menu, for instance how to create a smart folder using "location" or "Media". I want to create a smart folder that looks for LTO in the Location or Media fields but can not select those. If I select Any Text and input LTO, then it pulls up any name with lto in it which is not useful. Thanks
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Re: smart folder from

Post by neo-admin »

As Smart Folders are just saves Find Editor queries, you can only use those fields that are available in the Find Editor.

Re: smart folder from

Post by jeffedit »

Hmm, I guess I don't fully understand the purpose of all the other fields if you can't specifically search and / or sort using them. Any example of how best to use them other than looking at individual assets to see if they have any of these fields entered?
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Re: smart folder from

Post by neo-admin »

I am not sure what "other fields" you are referring to?

The NeoFinder Users guide explains how the Find Editor works:

Last bumped by Anonymous on Fri Feb 24, 2023 5:08 am.
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