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SONY and ARRI film metadata

Post by neo-admin »

NeoFinder 8.5 is able to read special SONY and ARRI metadata out of your MXF video files. In particular, this includes details about the camera and lens used, the capture FPS (for slo-mo and time lapse), and textual data, such as production details. ... ideos.html
Sections: "Capture FPS in MXF files" and "ARRI metadata in MXF files"

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inspector-capture-fps.jpg (20.33 KiB) Viewed 21458 times
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Make Apples "" read GPS and captions in video files!

Post by neo-admin »

GPS GeoTags and XMP Captions written by NeoFinder into MOV videos are now recognized by Apple "".

Apple uses an undocumented private format for geotags and descriptions in video files, and as their "" can only read these, but not the standard data formats, NeoFinder now writes these as well. ... adata.html

MOV GPS and Caption IN
MOV GPS and Caption IN (194.59 KiB) Viewed 21054 times

MOV GPS and Caption for
MOV GPS and Caption for (126.44 KiB) Viewed 21054 times
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NeoFinder 8.5.2 is released

Post by neo-admin »

We have a RELEASE!
Actually, TWO of them!

Today, we have released NeoFinder for Mac version 8.5.2. Download it from our web site:

And our colleague Andy Becherer has released our sister product abeMeda for Windows in the new version 7.7.7.


As always, we will report details about new features and improvements here in the next weeks.

neofinder.8.5.2.jpg (152.79 KiB) Viewed 19777 times
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KYNO Video metadata - NeoFinder to the rescue - again

Post by neo-admin »

After the new owners of the popular KYNO video management software have abandoned it, NeoFinder comes to the rescue!

NeoFinder 8.5.2 catalogs your precious KYNO metadata, like ratings and descriptions: ... _KYNO.html

KYNO sample file.jpg
KYNO sample file.jpg (149.98 KiB) Viewed 18674 times
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Ignore EXIF Thumbnails

Post by neo-admin »

Some cameras write different JPG thumbnails in the EXIF section of their RAW files if in-camera edits are active, such as sepia, b/w or others.
That can be tricky, as NeoFinder will prefer to use the EXIF thumbnails for speed reasons during cataloging, if they are large enough.

If you want to force NeoFinder to ignore all embedded EXIF thumbnails, use Apples with that command line:

defaults write de.wfs-apps.neofinder ignoreEXIFTumbnails 1
The default value is 0

Surprisingly enough, the speed difference during cataloging may not be too big, so if you get unexpected thumbnails of RAW files, give this a try. ... prefs.html

Topic: Ignore EXIF thumbnails?

EXIF Thumbnails.jpg
EXIF Thumbnails.jpg (149.32 KiB) Viewed 17122 times
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Sigma X3F!

Post by neo-admin »

NeoFinder 8.5.2 now catalogs RAW files in the Sigma X3F format much better than before.

You get a thumbnail and all EXIF and XMP metadata. ... hotos.html

Sample images found on dpreview, created by Samuel Spencer. ... 4841650215
X3F.jpg (128.47 KiB) Viewed 16810 times
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AppleScript! Finder Tags and color Label

Post by neo-admin »

The AppleScript dictionary in NeoFinder has been expanded to give you read and write access to the Finder Tags (aka Finder keywords) and the color labels of NeoFinder.

As the tags are actually a list of items, NeoFinder will give them to you as a string of values separated by a comma and a blank, and it needs your new values in that format as well.

The color label uses the numerical index, from 0 to 15, instead of the freely user selectable names. ... onary.html

AppleScript tags and labels.jpg
AppleScript tags and labels.jpg (135.34 KiB) Viewed 15945 times
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Improved DiskCatalogMaker Importer

Post by neo-admin »

We have improved the DiskCatalogMaker CSV importer in NeoFinder! It can now handle several additional date and time formats, and works better with some "creative" export files created by DCM.

In the process, we have generally improved the CSV reader code to handle a wider range of format variants.

DCM Importer.jpg
DCM Importer.jpg (37.37 KiB) Viewed 15388 times
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GPS View Direction editor

Post by neo-admin »

The GPS View Direction editor in NeoFinder 8.5 now shows a real map of the GeoTag location, to make it easier for you to set up the correct view direction of the camera when the photo was taken. ... ction.html

gps view direction editor.jpg
gps view direction editor.jpg (119.79 KiB) Viewed 14208 times
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Map Context menu

Post by neo-admin »

Did you know that the context menu for the Map in NeoFinder can move the GPS GeoTags of multipel selected photos or videos to the clicked location on the Map?

That is a great way to adjust the often slightly off locations for photos taken by an iPhone, for example.

The iPhone needs a while to get a very precise GPS location, so if you just pull it out and quickly take a photo, the GPS location can be off by up to 150 meters, getting more precise only after a while.

The NeoFinder Users Guide has more about the Map and the context menu: ... inder.html

Map CMM Move to Click.jpg
Map CMM Move to Click.jpg (99.93 KiB) Viewed 13272 times
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Add persons?

Post by neo-admin »

The Persons list in #NeoFinder 8.5.2 has a new context menu command to add that Person to all currently selected photo and video files. ... rsons.html

add persons context menu.jpg
add persons context menu.jpg (101.04 KiB) Viewed 11711 times
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For the Longest Time!

Post by neo-admin »

When we created the initial new database format for CDFinder 3.0 and CDWinder for Windows 1.0 way back in December 2000, we thought that a 16-bit number was sufficient to store the duration in seconds of an audio file.

Well, that worked for a while, but then things like this happened:
making it so.jpg
making it so.jpg (65.98 KiB) Viewed 10780 times
A 16-bit number can storea maximum value of 65536, which in seconds, would be 18 hours and 20 Minutes.

Sir Patrick Stewart needed a bit longer for his lovely memoir "Making It So!"

So we have now expanded the value to 32-bit now in the latest Neofinder 8.5.2.

That should be totally enough now, right? RIGHT?
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Search for same file names without suffix!

Post by neo-admin »

The Find context menu in NeoFinder 8.5.2 now has an option to search for same file names without suffix!

That is pretty useful to find different file formats of the name file. Give it a try!

find_file_name_no_suffix.jpg (96.99 KiB) Viewed 8998 times
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Sync Keywords

Post by neo-admin »

If you have a network installation with multiple users on different Macs and PCs, make sure to use at least version NeoFinder 8.5.2, which synchronizes the global keywords list from the Controlled Vocabulary much better, and is able to detect changes made to the list by other NeoFinder for Mac or abeMeda for Windows instances. ... words.html

NeoFinder-cross-platform.jpg (30.38 KiB) Viewed 6416 times
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