Nikon Z-50 Metadata in MOV video files

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Nikon Z-50 Metadata in MOV video files

Post by neo-admin »

The Nikon Z-50 and other newer cameras can record video, and store it in standard MOV video files, which NeoFinder can of course catalog and use.

Most unfortunately, though, they have decided to use a very particular way of storing metadata added with their Nikon Snapbridge software, containing the valuable and important GPS GeoTags.

Instead of using the standard metadata fields defined for MOV containers, the Nikon software packs that additional metadata into a custom binary record that was undocumented and hard to decode.

Fortunately, in NeoFinder 8.1, we were able to write our own parser for these custom Nikon data structures, and so NeoFinder can catalog GPS GeoTags from these files for you as well.

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