"normallizerd quit unexpectedly" Finder error after updating catalog

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"normallizerd quit unexpectedly" Finder error after updating catalog

Post by TomJr »

I've been seeing "normallizerd quit unexpectedly" Finder error after updating catalog happening regularly. The error is consistent for me at this time.

Not sure where to begin troubleshooting on this one. The updated catalog(s) seem fine, as all the changes are made and correct.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

using NeoFinder 8.4.1 under OS 13.4.1
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Re: "normallizerd quit unexpectedly" Finder error after updating catalog

Post by neo-admin »

Please send a crahs log to our support by email:

https://www.cdfinder.de/guide/14/14.1/s ... hlogs.html
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